First rule to know if you are going to be friends with me.... anybody??
Here is a hint (or the actual rule).... Don't talk to me before 10 AM if you expect me to be nice to you. haha
Seriously though, I am NOT a morning person... AT ALL! I despise the mornings and really it is a well known rule to not even think about it before 10 AM. At work they used to tell new people they hired not to talk to me til then, I am pretty sure it was part of their training as a new employee!!
BUT here it is 6:20 AM and I have been to work for a half an hour all ready, am I CRAZY or just seriously insane?!? I am so tired and I am going to be lucky if I can make it through this day! Why am I at work at 5:50 in the freaking morning you ask??? Good question! Apparently I decided that i am too good for sleep.... not!! I LOVE my bed and my sleep more than anything in the world which is why I decided to forego going to bed last night. I was helping a friend (I was called upon late last night and being the good listener and sweet person I am I was happy to be of service) and so when I was done talking to this friend it was like 1:30... (not too bad, sounds about like my usuall winding down time) but then I ran upstairs for "just a minute" haha and didnt come back down until 3:30. So, at this time I decided to think rashionally and weigh my options. I could go to bed but once I was in we all know i wouldnt wake up til noon which would make me WAY late for work and I cant afford to miss the hours, or I could clean my messy room that I have been to busy to get too... then shower and go to work early... which of course means getting off early... which would include me napping! I took option 2, I figured if I came in late then I would get off late and my night is booked with exciting unmissable events! So.... here I am at work at 5:50 in the morning trying hard already to keep my eyes open (hoping it will get easier when other human life shows up to keep me company) and wondering if I am really as INSANE as I feel!!!