So last night we got a big group of 14 people and we went to the Jazz game! It was a blast and became more of an adventure than we anticipated! We left at 5:30 and we went to the Sandy Station to ride tracks. We had a blast on the train and got dropped off right at the game. We found our seats which were nearly at the top but they we only $10 tickets so we didnt complain and the game started... it was so much fun. We had some Suns fans in the group and the Jazz fans had the glory of the win! After the game we went to he Applebee's at the gateway and we had reservations so we had to hurry, well I was wearing my 4 1/2 inch heels (i know, who does that? but I had to becuase I only had my tall levis clean and I had to wear pants haha) SO I had to run from the wrong side of the Energy Solutions Center over to the Gateway in 4 1/2 inch heels which I have to say takes quite talent and I ROCKED IT!!! We ate some dinner, me and James and Colt ate family style and we all consumed WAY too much food! Afterwords we went out and realized that we missed the last train to Sandy so we had to wait there for about 30 min and we had fun playing on the train tracks (dont tell our parents lol) then we rode a train to murray where we had a ride waiting to take the drivers to the Sandy Station to get the cars and go back and get the group! Once we did that and got home it was 1:30. The night turned out longer than we thought but over all it was a great night and I wouldnt have changed a thing!!! I love my friends so much!
I am kind of a big deal! I am a Cosmetologist and I work as an independent contractor doing Graphic Design! I also do photography and LOVE working with a camera. Life is great when you are practically perfect!
You guys are so good about taking pictures. I have hardly any from my single/dating days.
And I knew you could run in heels...all REAL women can :)
I know!! So Fun!! AND you should have seen the running. I didnt break a heel or a bone or anything!
Look how fun you guys are!!! I'm glad the train didn't get you. Peanut needs her auntie jessie!!!
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